
Community Update 2021-07

Howdy Neighbor! Just a quick note from The Park At Prince Homeowners Association.

🖖 New Board, First Community Project Completed

At the HOA meeting in April, we elected a new board. Say hello to Adam French (President), Jack Smodic (Vice President) and Eiki Isomura (Secretary). They have already coordinated with our landscaping vendor to replace the failed rose bushes and repair the irrigation system along the perimeter. Expect beautiful knock out roses to spring up soon.

📨 New HOA email address, newsletter & website coming soon

You can now reach your HOA Board Members directly by emailing parkatprince@gmail.com. We will be distributing a community newsletter in the coming weeks, as well as establishing an official website for the Park at Prince Community. 

🚰 IMPORTANT: Square up your water bill! Rate increase arriving soon.

Did you know that the community purchases water collectively from the city? Leaving your water bill unpaid could mean that the entire community’s water gets shut off. Thank you for paying your water bills as they arrive. Houston City Council approved a water/wastewater rate hike in June 2021 to fund increasing costs of service. Over the next 5 years, expect your water bills to increase.

Have a confusing outstanding balance? Contact portiz@eamhouston.com (HOA manager) or liz@hocutt.com (metering, disputes) to discuss your options. 

🚛 Be patient with trash and recycling

Like much of the service industry, our trash and recycling vendor, Texas Pride, is struggling with staffing. As a result, trash and recycling pick-up may fluctuate. If your trash/recycling has not been picked up on schedule, leave it out for pick up for an additional 12-24hrs.

📝 Connect with your neighbors

Scan this QR code to sign up for community news delivered to your email. Hear about upcoming social events first. Find out about volunteer opportunities or events in the area your neighbors are attending.